Saturday, May 26, 2012

Unconditional Love

Today I am thinking about unconditional love........... is God the only one that can do this???  I am trying to keep the peace in a house full of different minds.  It is amazing to actually watch these children and my husband interact, but I am so depressed about the lying.  Years of lying to myself and my children has me hating the fact that my husband can do it so well.  I know and have been reading ALOT on bi-polar and want to stabalize him.  Called the doctor this week for the shot that MIL told me about and OUR doc, in Traverse City is not even familiar with the proper dosage and if our insurance will pay for it.  I dropped off a copy of some google work I did on the shot after MIL told me to, its something that would work for my husband but will it take away the LIES???  Doubtfully I sit in our bed, hearing little and BIG footsteps upstairs.  I love them all unconditionally.  I decided to make this short and sweet.  I love unconditionally, like God, like I was taught.  maybe its the generation gaps, maybe its the bi-polar, maybe its just the fact that they are looking to love unconditionally and were never taught.  Sad thing about it is he believes his own lies and gets caught up in them.  Yesterday X had a fieldtrip and he came home with the story of a BAD day, I talked to his teacher last night and he had a fine day.  After he was in bed and still crying I asked him why he lied, and if he had a good day that he should always share both..........he said DAD does it and it gets you to talk to him, so I wanted U to talk to me.................UGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I want to scream, cry, hold him tight, never let them go.  My girls are good at lying too, I will not disclude them BUT at least when they lie its to get them out of trouble.  Whats with the lying to get attention and negative attention at that?  Today I will teach X that he can ASK for my attention and I will GIVE it to him.  One step at a time. One day at a time.  I am all alone and this is scary for me, but its something I can handle.  I married this man and I love him UNCONDITONALLY!!!!  I love them ALL, the whole family, mine and his, our children, our life, our jobs...........GOD!!!!

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