Friday, November 26, 2010

the day after.....

I am thankful today for today, thankful I am done working already, thankful I didn't have the money to even think about battling the friday crowds :) Life is throwing some major curve balls at me but I am handling them as they come and dealing with my feelings after the situation is over. If there is something I have been learning in a blended family its to leave your feelings out of it until the situation is resolved. The friends god has chosen to place in my life at this time make my life seem so simple, thanking god for showing me life isn't as major as I make it out to be. I tend to overannalize situations and it makes them way more messy than need be. Just leaving well enough alone and working on life with my kids and hubby. I love god and his ways, sometimes they just scare me into believing life is suppose to be different. I am happily married to the man of my dreams and have three beautiful children and wonderful family and friends surrounding me. Feeling blessed today. Trying to avoid thinking about the pain and my upcomming surgery and what might happen when i can't work. Praying :)


  1. Thinking good thoughts and saying prayers that everything will work out :)

    With Love,
