Thursday, July 8, 2010


The rest of the week will be fine, yes I am still having trouble with the way my hubby and others, including myself treat khamille, but she is having alot of trouble knowing shes the one with NO immediate family, except mommy. I have to sometimes realize she is only 9, still really a baby, shes just alot more advanced than most, and her size doesn't help u remember she is still little, only two more years older than gb, who is here visiting us on vacation. This has been a wonderful experience that not only am i thankful for, but i will embrace forever!!!! Its the most time I have gotten to spend with my inlaws since I married my husband, and the first time ever we have gotten to spend some "family" time with gb. Not that she isn't our family and we don't get to spend time with her, but it was all five of us last evening, and it was for joel and I to be able to just "see". She is my hubbys' biological daughter and I have cried alot to him as "WHY?" we can't have her.......its kinda a mixed up situation, no fault to my inlaws, but they have her now due to my hubbys stupidity and it almost wouldn't be fair to take her from what she now knows as her mother and father. will be amazing if someday we can ease her into spending some time with us in the summers, not only to be with her, but to give mom and dad (inlaws) some time "off" so to speak. Let her see "our" life as we live it. The time we did share with her even though short made me realize she fits right in......*smiles* to the blended family life. No differant than the rest of the kids and their issues, as each one has their own, but definatly nice because she is in the middle of my youngest and middle child and she blends well with both of them on her own occasions. She clings to me more but it was really nice to see my hubby coexist with her. A wonderful time to EMBRACE!!!!!! a blessing and a prayer answered at the same time. Thank you god for trusting me with situations that you know I can handle, and giving me the strength and courage to understand and not be selfish. Prayers for the rest of the week as it will be hectic but I would really like to get some fun stuff in. We'll see. Oh and P.S........ we need a bigger, it was pretty funny to see all 6 of us in the ford taurus with two seats and our families size.....kinda looked like one of those little clown cars when we all piled out.

1 comment:

  1. It would NOT be fair to GB. But you will always be part of her family.

    I understand what you are saying about how Khamille is treated. Khamille makes it difficult to have positive interactions with her. Still, we all are adults and more effort should be made.
