Friday, July 9, 2010

precious days.

These last days with mom and dad here have been bitter sweet. I know all the kids need a break and to get back to their "normal" routines. I took them all to the parade with my great friend and her family and we did the midway, gibbys, then the parade. It was an awesome experience for all of us. Everyone was so great and patient. I guess my prayer was answered because it was a beutiful day and moment. Our kids were troopers and no complaining or fighting at that. I am sad to see the inlaws and gb go, these are the days I wish we lived in their back yard. Gb did wonderful with us while mom and dad had a sanity break. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I know where Gb belongs and its starting to settle in. I know everything happens for a reason and mom and dad are Gbs' everything. I hope this is a start of a new fun life with her trusting us enough to come visit in the summers more often. She is very mature and understanding of each childs situation. Here are some pics of what troopers my bunch was and how much fun we had. My girlfriend was the first person I have ever been able to hang with and help control all the situations no matter what came up. Khamille was a great big sister, as she helped the little ones deal with some of their issues during the parade. God please bless all these little ones as they have a long journey ahead of them that they will need your blessings along the way. My K is going with mom and dad back to NY for a few days, i am really nervous as she has never been away from me without me being there to call and come get, but i have faith that she will enjoy herself. Sad to see the precious moments disapear so quickly but happy to have had them....... I honestly wish my hubby enjoyed more time with us, but i guess what little time he can function he is perfect at it. I love my family and life and coudln't and wouldn't change it for the world. Here are some pics from the CF and our day out with the kids.....enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures. It IS time to get the kids back to routine, but I wish we lived close enough to come more often!
