Saturday, July 3, 2010

life is.......or is it?

Its an enjoyable weekend, just started i guess, lots of venting to do but mainly keepin in all inside, cuz i don't know if i know the differance between bitching or hurting peoples feelings. I know this is suppose to be MY blog but i have always tried to live by the motto do unto others as you would like done to you. Its 6:30 am on sat and I am up, unwillingly of course but its starting to feel like this is what i signed up for. My girls K and K believe in not walking the I really don't ever sleep sleep in, usually no later than 7:30 or so but since my wonderful son will NOT wake up his dad I am usually up at around 6ish with the "MOMMY can i have cereal?" I am still trying to teach him the concept of at least waiting till the sun is up but hes not interested, actually anytime if he is up, its mom too. I can't complain to much because I am glad he is here and not in saginaw, so I just get up while my husband sleeps and do the mommy thing. My daily routine seems to be get up fix hubbys lunch which I haven't decided wether is a waste or not, but he works so hard and i want him to have it if he needs it, but when he comes home at night with it still fully intact in his bag I feel ......(can't explain that feeling yet). Then its send him out the door, get the kids breakfast, or somewhat....get ready to go clean houses.....come home about 1 or 2, clean this hurricane of a house a little from the morning.....get into another set of work clothes and head to the candy shop (part time job I took to help cover child support we are NOT getting from the kids co-parents) and then home by 7 to get dinner, clean up again, and give whats left of me to my children if i can tolerate myself. KEYWORDS....."if i can tolerate myself". Oh did I mention in between all of that I have appts for both the littlest ones, and errands of all sorts to run, definate time that my hubby NEEDS me to keep him grounded, plus keeping the craziness down between all three of the kids at all times cuz they love to argue about EVERYTHING, and there is more but no need, I am sure their are plenty of other mothers doing just the same routine, if not more. I sometimes get angry when I try to complain or vent to my hubby and he is always "one uping me", ex: you should try doing my landscaping job, or my day sucks too hunny, or at least you don't have to work full time. UGHHH, its almost to the point where i wanna say, are you kidding me???? i feel like i work ten jobs and i sleep maybe 4 hours a night between EVERYTHING in my head and then my sweet son in the wee hours of the morning, usually right when i fall asleep is waking up. I prob won't last like this forever and thats the scary part. I just know i am working myself to the bone and my brain is pretty fried to. I sometimes find myself screaming at the kids just out of frustration. My poor babies. The only thing i really was trying to work on for myself was jogging but now evidently my husband is putting a stop to that because he doesn't think its fair that i am loosing weight. God grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the differance. Wow, maybe i could vent to this blog ALOT!!!! sorry to the followers, my life is really a blessing and I do take it at just that, but damn sometimes i get a little frustrated with all this juggling and no help literally at all!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are entitled to vent- it is YOUR blog. You are the only person that matters here. And as far as your Hubby (AKA my son), run anyway. Maybe he will decide to be healthier!
